I'm Money Magnet!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Share The Wealth!

"The mark of true wealth is determined by how much one can give away." ~T.H.E
EXTRAORDINARYGROUP teach you to observe your ways of thinking and to challenge your limiting, nonsupportive thoughts, habits, and action with regard to money. The reason I start with money is that money is one of the biggest areas of pain in most people's lives. But there's a bigger picture to consider. You see, once you start recognizing your nonsupportive ways around finance, this awareness will transfer into every other part of your life. The goal of EXTRAORDINARYGROUP has been to assist you in raising your consciousness. Again, consciousness is observing your thoughts and actions, so that you can operate from true choice in the present, rather than acting on the basis of programming from the past. It is about the power to respond from your higher self rather than to react from your fear-based, "lower" self. In this way you can be the best you can be and fulfill your destiny. But you know what? The essence of this transformation is not just about you. It is about the entire world. Our world is nothing more than a reflection of the people who make it up. As each individual raises his or her consciousness, the world raises its consciousness--moving from fear to courage, from hatred to love, and from scarcity to prosperity for all. It is therefore up to each of us to enlighten ourselves so that we may add more light to the world. If you want a world to be a certain way, then start with you being the way. If you want the world to be better place start with you being better. That is why I believe it's your duty to grow yourself to your fullest potential, to create abundance and success in your life; for in doing so, you will be able to help others and add to the world in a positive way. I therefore ask you to share this message of consciousness and empowerment with others. Get the message of EXTRAORDINARYGROUP out to many people as possible. Commit to telling at least one hundred of your friends, family and associates about it or consider getting it for them as a life-changing gift. Not only will they be introduced to powerful financial concepts, they will learn to observe the way they think, raise their consciousness, and in turn raise the consciousness of the planet. It would also be incredible for them to join you at the EXTRAORDINARYGROUP. It is truly a blessing to have your friends and family share this extraordinary experience with you. My dream is one course, one person at time, we can change the world for the better. I ask for your support in making this dream a reality.

The Secret to You!

mastering the inner game of your wealth